Smart Tourism Destinations: Final workshop of the capacity building journey

Tuesday 09 May 2023, 10:00 to 12:45 CET

Workshop 3: How to implement an effective smart ecosystem management in your DMO.

This workshop is part of the selected Smart Tourism Destinations capacity building journey and follows up on the webinars dedicated to Pillar 5 of the Toolkit.


The event serves the following main purposes:

  • It will provide an opportunity for destinations, independent experts, and Project team to work together on some topics related to Pillar 5 – Ecosystems management and partnerships and the overall roadmap.
  • The selected Smart Tourism Destinations will engage in some practical exercises aiming to support the development of a roadmap to becoming “smarter”, i.e., striving towards increased and improved use of tourism related data.

 Where does it take place?

  • Online meeting.
  • Registration needed! Max. 1 person per Tourism Destination.

 When does it take place?

  • Tuesday 09 May 2023, 10:00 – 12:45 CET

Preliminary Agenda

10:00 – 10:10

Welcome, objectives and introduction to the workshop

10:10 – 10:25

Overview of the working group activities (15 min)

  • Pillar 5: Ecosystems management and partnerships, Urška Starc-Peceny and Dolores Ordóñez Martínez

10:25 – 11:55

Destinations will be distributed in 4 Working groups – Online break-out rooms

All groups will work on two different sessions.

    • Working session 1 – Pillar 5 (45 min)
    • Working session 2 – Roadmap (45 min)

    11:55 – 12:45

    Plenary meeting wrap-ups

    • Wrap-up of Working session 1 (25 min)
    • Wrap-up of Working session 2 (25 min)

    Registration form

      Smart Tourism Destination that you represent
      Note! One person per Destination only.

      Personal information*
      This information will allow us to create groups and will be shared among participants of the event.